12 Postwork Style Architectural Visualization Tutorials

I’ve written an article for 3D World Magazine that takes a look over the arch-viz field trying to define our workflows, styles and technologies we use in our daily work. You can find this article in the latest 3D World Magazine, April 2013 Issue, but since I run into the “Print World Wall” and couldn’t get in all the examples I had in mind, I decided to follow-up on the article by showcasing more examples that I like – Starting with the Postwork Style Workflow… Enjoy this roundup!


The common thing to all works being showcased here is that they usually start looking similar to this…

PLANKTONGROUP - Roldal Pilgrim Center - Raw Render

And end up looking remarkable like you see below, thanks to lots of Photoshop work!

Here we go…

1. Making of Roldal Pilgim Center

by Plankton Group

Great work done here starting form a basic SketchUP model, relying heavily on the use of Photoshop in achieving the final result.


2. Making of CityLIFE’s ‘Metabolic City’

By Jean-Marc Emy

This was the Grand Prize Entry of the CityLIFE Architectural Visualization Challenge, remarkably executed by Jean-marc, with a first grade making-of article too. Starting with an interesting intro about the concept, Jean-marc dives deep into various aspects of the postwork done – composition, adding people, mood lighting, materials, rain effect and more.


3. Making of ‘Trinity Bureau’

by Beauty and The Bit

Beauty and The Bit offered an interesting article about the making of this office building, showing how to breathe life into it utilizing postwork methods mostly.


4. Making of Minoco Wharf

By renderare

renderare article offers the same general approach breakdown for the creation of the Minoco Wharf mixed use complex… this one is at day time.


5. Making of AP002T Tower

By Nicolas Richelet

Remarkable work done by Nicolas with this personal study project, trying to explore MIR, LUXIGON & LABTOP’s style of work. Heavily relying on 2d methods and Photoshop as well as offering his PSD file as reference.


6. Making of Maison Hermes

By Roberto De Rose

Striking image, very much recognized with Roberto’s style being dramatic and vivid. Both architectural subject and the making-of are remarkable.


7. Making of ‘Seaside Feeling’

By Pedro Fernandes

Great insight into Pedro’s process of taking a raw render all the way to this amazing seaside image. Starting with SketchUP going all the way to final postwork with Photoshop.

SeasideFeeling_Making Off small

8. Making of Neue Nationalgaleire at Night

By Christopher Malherios

A creative mind, critical eye and honed skills were on Christopher Malheiros’s menu when he dished out those visuals you see here. It seems he didn’t really do much… taken a bad-looking raw render, did a few steps in post and BAMMM!


9. Making of Neue Nationalgalerie in the Rain

By Romuald Chaigneau

The Neue Nationalgalerie has become a great case study, and this is one more great making-of article about an image based on it by Romuald Chaigneau. Seeing his original raw render makes his postwork on this really shine!


10. Making of ‘House in the Woods’


This image won BEST OF YEAR 2012 award on the forums! Going through this breakdown make it so much better… You can’t see all the efforts NOTOS put into the final result.


11. Making of ‘Cais das Artes’

By Ricardo Canton

Seeing the BEFORE / AFTER of this work really makes you wonder what was going on here! Ricardo does a great job taking us through his process.


12. Making of AND Offices

By Beauty and The Bit

One more by Beauty and The Bit… Darker, dramatic take on the office building post work process.


Thank you for reading…

I hope you enjoyed this compilation, and do share with us what you think about this style of visualization.

Do you do the same or are you using the Force? Brute Force?

Stay tuned for more on that in an upcoming post.

7 replies
  1. Sepas Haghighi
    Sepas Haghighi says:

    hi, I’ve just visited your great website and I was surprised with your  magical visualization abilities…so I just gave it a try and did some post work on one the first project you posted here…if there’s no problem I want your opinion about the work I did. I’ll look forward to hear from you…
    Sepas P.Haghighi

  2. RobinMilford
    RobinMilford says:

    Wow. These above walpapers says that these are awesome visualization. I should be glad if I can do like as these. I followed these above tutorials to learn architectural visualization. But I think I need some video tutorials. Ronen Bekerman, recently I have find out a website who said that they offers some great video tutorails. But I think I need your openion about this below website before I take any action. I am waiting for your reply.


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  1. […] Cinema 4D, Modo, SketchUP, V-Ray, Maxwell Render, Corona Renderer, Photoshop and extra. On this link you will see that 12 Postwork Model Architectural Visualization Tutorials that we might extremely […]

  2. […] Cinema 4D, Modo, SketchUP, V-Ray, Maxwell Render, Corona Renderer, Photoshop and more. In this link you will find 12 Postwork Style Architectural Visualization Tutorials that we would highly […]

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