Goldstein 2001 Matte Painting Giveaway by Carlos Mazon

The image “Goldstein 2001” was a quick personal project by Carlos Mazon done for fun that took him around 3h in Photoshop. The subject alone is very interesting in referencing the “Goldstein House” designed by Architect John Lautner, but Carlos is also provides his PSD so you can explore for yourself. Carlos combined the house design with the theme of one of my all time favorite movies – “2001 : A space Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick. I like the result, and it seems that Hollywood has some kind of a love affair with John Lautner as his houses feature in many movies.

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SOA #AcademyDay5 – Interview with Juraj Talcik and Adam Hotovy about Corona Renderer

Keeping up with publishing the interviews made during SOA #AcademyDay5, I’m publishing the second interview with Juraj Talcik and Adam Hotovy. This one focuses on the upcoming Corona Renderer v1.0 release, with Juraj as an artist using this new render engine extensively and Adam who made a big change is his professional life taking on a full-time role as Partner in Render Legion – The Developers of Corona Renderer. Enjoy!

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Making of Barts Square by The Boundary in collaboration with Iain Banks

I’ve featured the Barts Square project back in August this year, and this week the making of this project was published on the Corona Renderer blog by my friends at The Boundary (it will take time getting used to this) in collaboration with Iain Banks. The Boundry, if you missed the news, is a new studio based in London specializing in high-end visualizations founded by Peter Guthrie and Henry Goss, who did the write-up for this article. Enjoy!

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PETER GUTHRIE HDRI Skies Submitted Image Winner / Maciej Kozlowski

Congratulations to Maciej Kozlowski for winning the second stage of the August 2014 PETER GUTHRIE HDRi Skies giveaway! During the month of August I held that giveaway and the first winner was randomly selected from all who commented in the original PETER GUTHRIE HDRi Skies giveaway post. Maciej’s architectural subject and coastal location were blended very well with Peter’s 1044 Overcast HDRi Sky, resulting in a beautifully moody and compelling visual which awards him a complete set of 45 skies from Series No. 1! Big thanks to Peter Guthrie for sponsoring this giveaway and to all who took part in it… see you in the next one!

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