52 Best Visualizations of 2014

You have seen these during the year on the weekly newsletters (click to signup), but here they all are – The 52 Best Visualisations of 2014, selected each week from the works posted on the forums Finished Work Section.

The 12 Best of MONTH visuals + the BEST OF YEAR will be announced soon. Each of the 12 will get a 100 Euro Voucher to spend on great looking 3D furniture models by Design Connected + 100 Euro Voucher to spend on textures, models or scripts by VIZPARK. The BEST OF YEAR will get 600 Euro Voucher for Design Connected + VIZPARK’s Complete Bundle valued at 399 Euro + Grant Warwick’s Mastering CGI Courses, Including the upcoming 2 new ones!

Enjoy this roundup!

I’d like to thank our good friends at Design Connected, VIZPARK and Grant Warwick for supporting The Best Visualization awards and hope to see you among the best of 2015!

Thank you for reading…

I hope you enjoyed this compilation. To get the weekly updates about the Best of WEEK + a lot more, make sure you signup to the newsletter if you haven’t yet, And I would highly appreciate your feedback on this short 2 question survey related to the Best of WEEK for 2015…

  1. ihabkal
    ihabkal says:

    Amazing work, one comment though why the deer in the first image has an erection? A2Studio should have photoshoped it out it doesn’t add to the image 🙂

  2. DavidG333
    DavidG333 says:

    The detail and lighting in some of those pieces is stunning. Hard to tell they are even CG at all! <a href=”http://www.render3dquickly.com/”></a>

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  1. […] finished. Like the Mountain Hostel by AESDE and Interior in Berlin by Scenected below, two of the best visualizations of 2014 as judged by […]