Winner Announced: Viz-People Giveaway

The third birthday giveaway is here! VizPeople will give one of you lucky followers the collection of your choice out of their available collections. You will also have the chance to win one more by sending a post-worked image (render or real photo) you made using one or more of their freely or commercially available people cut-outs.

First Part Winner Announced

Congratulations to Teodora Cirjan

You are the lucky winner of a brand new VizPeople Collection of your choice 🙂 Probably Casual V2, right?

All of you still have a running chance in the second part of this giveaway. Sending in your renders showcasing VizPeople items until September 12. The best image will award the winner with a selection of a collection he likes.

About VizPeople

VizPeople is a provider of high quality people photos for architectural visualizations and other graphic design works. Their stock photo collections come with precise alpha maps and ambient shadows that allows precise composition in graphic project. On their website you will also find some attractive free stuff and tutorials.

I started to personally use VizPeople not long ago and also distribute their content via Polytown. They have some of the best collections out there for architectural visualization and I know of several new collections that are currently in the works that will be a great addition to their catalog. Here are their main collections…

VizPeople Casual v2

[slideshare id=8836816&doc=casualv2catalog-110812084810-phpapp02&type=d]

You can get VizPeople Casual v2 here.

VizPeople Business v2

[slideshare id=8836781&doc=businessv2catalog-110812084323-phpapp02&type=d]

You can get VizPeople Business v2 here.

VizPeople Nightlife v2

[slideshare id=8836749&doc=nightlifev2catalog-110812084000-phpapp01&type=d]

You can get VizPeople Nightlife v2 here.

You can also get them all in a bundle offering here.

How to Enter

All you need to do to enter is:

  1. Follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook by liking it 😉
  2. Post a comment below, using the post to twitter or Facebook check-boxes, telling which of the collections, or even single people, you like best!

Here is an image preview to show were you should check these options while commenting further below, at the end of this post 😉

The first part of this giveaway closes in exactly 72 hours, right after the weekend, and a winner will be randomly selected shortly afterwards. This post will be updated with the winner information and VizPeople we’ll get in touch with you.

The second part of sending your post-worked images showcasing one or more of the VizPeople freely or commercially available people will end on September 12. Please use the following form to send your images. Try to put in as many people as you can to your image.

Free VizPeople Samples

A big thanks to VizPeople, for sponsoring this giveaway. Good luck, and be sure to follow this blog or subscribe so that you can find out if you’re a winner!

48 replies
  1. ronenbekerman
    ronenbekerman says:

    @mesraem Thanks… I forgot to add the free samples so you can use them for the images you make – it should show up in a few seconds under the submit form.

    Good Luck and have a great weekend you all 😉

  2. 3d_Nick
    3d_Nick says:

    The vizPeople collection are really impressive. Especially like the casual people collection

  3. ronenbekerman
    ronenbekerman says:

    @TeodoraCirjan Congratulations Teodora – You are the lucky winner of the first stage of this Giveaway 😉 Best of luck to all the others in stage two! Start posting your images using the form above.

  4. ronenbekerman
    ronenbekerman says:

    So, @TeodoraCirjan Won the first stage and vizpeople will award her the collection of her choice. For all the rest of you – Start sending your images with people in them… Stage two is open.

  5. RomboutVersluijs
    RomboutVersluijs says:

    So only people who already have some peeps can join this contest, or can we join as well by using the samples? it’s not clear to me 🙂

  6. RomboutVersluijs
    RomboutVersluijs says:

    VizPeople NightLife V2

    Okay nice! great images with great lighting! very useable

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