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    RonenBekerman.com is a source of learning on all aspects of 3d architectural visualization. In the blog & forums you will find articles & tutorials about 3d modeling & rendering with software such as 3ds max, VRay, SketchUP, Maxwell Render, Fryrender, Photoshop and more. This site will fit beginner, intermediate and advanced CG artists.

    Who Am I?

Who Am I?

My name (You probably guessed it already) is Ronen Bekerman. I’m a CG and 3d architectural visualization artist based in Israel. Starting as a freelancer in 2002 and now heading Polytown – a 3d architectural visualization studio I founded in 2005.

With more than 12 years of professional experience in the Architectural Visualization Industry I’m currently heading Polytown Media and run the popular ArchVIZ Blog at ronenbekerman.com

Polytown Media is a creative studio specializing in the visualization of architecture from concept to marketing. The studio also provides software and training related to the industry and is an official partner of Chaos Group, The Foundry, iToo Software and many more both locally in Israel and World Wide.

The ronenbekerman.com blog & forums are a source of learning on all aspects of 3d architectural visualization rendering & modeling. There you will find articles & tutorials about 3d modeling & 3d rendering with software such as 3ds max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Modo, SketchUP, V-Ray, Maxwell Render, Corona Renderer, Photoshop and more. The site will fit beginner, intermediate and advanced CG artists alike.

I strive to publish the best 3d architectural visualization related tutorials available on the web and nurture a vibrant community forum for artists to share their work and learn from each other.

If you’re interested in creating a tutorial for the site, please use the write for us page and share the information about your ideas!

My Ninja Skills

If you have any problem that one or more of my Ninja Skills can help you solve than feel free to drop me a line 🙂

3d Studio Max
3d Modeling
3d Architectural Visualization
3d Rendering
Real Time 3D Visualization
Maxwell Render

What Others Say

I don’t like to brag so I’ll let others do it for me 😉

Ronen Bekerman’s Architectural Visualization Blog & Forum is not only an excellent website which has gathered around it all best 3D Archviz artists around the world, it is also a really good tool to expand your knowledge on this field and be part of an amazing online 3d community.
I would like to recommend Ronen Bekerman blog & forum for everyone who is working in the architectural visualisation business. I check Ronen’s blog every day to see the latest news in our business. Every time I check his site I feel very much inspired by all the information Ronen collects from all over the world. Ronen is always well informed about the latest news and tutorials. I see Ronen as a great support for the whole cgi business. I met Ronen several times in Venice where I got to know him as a very social and friendly person. Thank you very much Ronen
Information wealth on 3D visualization that can be found on Ronen’s blog helped me tremendously speed up my learning process. Up to day, it’s the best blog concerning the architecture visualization industry.
Ronen is a fantastic 3D Artist and he also runs an exceptional Arch Viz blog that I have had the privilege of contributing to. Ronen’s understanding of 3D and refined eye has created one of the best Arch Viz blogs today.
The Ronen Bekerman’s blog inspired me every day. He had a great idea putting together the most important 3d artist’s works and a lot of useful information about 3d resources. I had the honor of working with him in a complex architectural project and I just can say that he is a hard worker, very fast and professionally.
There are few people who are natural-born writers, and fewer still who can use that skill for web and magazine work. Ronen not only writes intelligent and witty content – but also has the drive, diligent self-organisation and technical know-how to make it shine. He works tirelessly and his enthusiasm is infectious. If you want to know about arch-viz, Ronen’s your man.

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Image Credit: Yoni Alter