Academy Day #2 / Venice, Italy.
State of Art Studio in partnership with Peter Guthrie, Wacom, GC edizioni and Yours Truly, is organizing two days of workshops for professionals and passionate architectural visualization artists worldwide. I am very excited to be part of this and look forward to see you in Venice!
Visit the Academy Day #2 announcement page at SOA website for all the information you need about what, how & when it all happen.
I’ll be doing two workshops.
Day 1, Workshop #2
This one is about what I do the most – “3D Design Exploration” using SketchUP and various Real-Time tools to help the design architects as they plan their projects.
Day 2, Workshop #5
This one is about The Arch Viz Biz & Productivity, focusing more on the solo artists among you and how to make the best of it especially during the latest financial challenges we all are facing.
Feel free to ask, suggest things to talk / focus about in the comment section below. I haven’t finalized this yet and since it will be recorded and showcased later on, I do like to give you all a chance to be part of this.
I’ll be there! It was a great news to discover that you are one of the relators in this workshop!
See you in Venice ๐
its great!!! please if its possible record sessions for those who don’t have any chance to join this event.
see you in Venice ๐
@Farrokh That is the plan as far as I can tell… SOA will record this event.
@NicolasRichelet Greet! Looking forward to meet you and the others in person.
@Giona4 Thanks you… See you in Venice then ๐
Good to know that SOA is planning to record the event. I’d love to see there. You’ve put together some excellent workshops.
can’t wait to see the friends of SOA…
see you in Venice !
Wish I could be there…. Gonna be stuck in London but I know a few friends who will be heading to venice, Im sure it will be an amazing turn out even to meet Peter / Ronen and everyone else would be an amazing experience!
wish I could.but I have no chance
I would love too, yet again, no chance.
Oh wow this is great!
Unfortunately, its very far from me, will this be available online?
i tried hard to come and it nearly worked but in the end i’ll have to watch it online too. great shame. have fun there.
Hi guys!
We are sorry for people that couldn’t attend the event, we are hard working to create something special for the arch-viz community and we hope to meet you here in Italy.Unfortunaly, we don’t know if we’ll be able to publish the whole academy day coverage so we highly suggest to join us and enjoy with Ronen, Peter and other artists that 2 great days!
Please Ronen and Roberto I would beg, and would be great if the event could be recorded so all of us who can’t be there can watch it or at least buy it on a DVD or anywhere else…! I just can’t make it there, I live across the globe! And I bet I’m not the only one.
Hey Kool! this could be an excellent opportunity to learn stuff from the pro’s and meet them and take a walk-around in venice! and drink espresso’s ๐
Hope to see you in venice! Just need my conformation that the payment was succesfull. thumps up
See you all in Venice. It is going to be interresting, I hope. ๐
WONDERFUL! I’ll be there to!!! looking forward to meet u all! especially Ronen ๐ bye byeeee
Please Ronen and Roberto I would beg, and would be great if the event could be recorded so all of us who can’t be there can watch it or at least buy it on a DVD or anywhere else…! I just can’t make it there, I live across the globe! And I bet I’m not the only one.
I Can’t wait to meet you all! See you tomorrow ๐
rome rome rome…… ๐
Thanks to everyone, it was amazing because you were amazing. love you all… see you next time ๐