Hoodoo House

Embedded in the bedrock among the characteristic tent rock formations, Hoodoo House is articulated so as to support the natural circulation of the cooled air from the shaded water basin area. The protruding white vents are the visual commentary on surrounding geology and allow to bring diffused light into the recessed rooms.

Full project: https://www.behance.net/gallery/85807493/Hoodoo-House

Beldi Stories II.

A partnership with world renowned architect Amal Halafi, The Beldi Project required giving life to spaces where CGI has been prioritized before photography. I spent a week in Rio absorbing the emotions of the building, then produced a series of images that demonstrated its beauty and functionality.

As a result, there has been an Art Exhibition and 12 minutes Short Film “CGI: An Artistic Medium” created with strong beliefs in CGI.

I believe that CGI is an artistic tool. Just like photography is, just like painting is and just like sculpting is. So far, CGI has been mostly used for commercial purposes and has been very technical, which it still is. In my eyes, it is another tool that can reflect artistic soul. I believe that one of the biggest issues is that people don’t know what CGI is. Running into a random person, it is very hard and imaginary to explain. Many times simply perceived as photographs. I have had this belief for many years but now found a platform that has strong enough story and visibility to share it. Not only in CGI but in Architecture, Art and many different fields too. I would love every artist to be able to show what CGI is and believe that because of technical advancements and enlightenment, in couple of years there might be recognition of CGI as an Art Form and general knowledge of the process and efforts behind. I believe that CGI is going to be in museums in couple of years.

A short film will be premiered on Academy Days X and on Spiecial Event in Kiev, both in October 2019. I wish that it is going to open up an discussion.

3ds Max and Corona rendering engine were used. Many materials were scanned and all materials were created from scratch. Custom 3d objects modelled in 3ds Max, vegetation growth in SpeedTree and cloths simulations in Marvelous Designer. Using custom color mapping, lighting and techniques presented in my talks.

Beldi Links
Website: beldi.online
Instagram: beldi.wellness

Thank you for watching.


Here is the idea behind Cabin, a project we made some time ago after a trip, you can also find a video of one of its images making of.


The complex consists of 4 28- storeyed towers located across from each other and creating an entry plaza to the Exhibition Complex in between. A common three level garage connects the towers under the plaza. Two three-storeyed wings are attached to each of the towers achieving larger floor plates on the lower levels of the complex.
The circulation and service cores are located in the central sections of the towers, dividing the office areas in East and West wings. These wings are rendered as distinct volumes enhancing verticality and transforming the design in a composition of four vertical elements, grouped in two buildings. Furthermore, each of the volumes is articulated in high and low rise sections clad with different glass envelopes.The horizontal articulation between these high and low rise volumes varies in each of the four vertical sections.

Ocean View hotel reimagination

When I was a kid, here, in Russia, we had computer clubs, where you can play games that not run on your PC (If you’re lucky to have one), and, especially, GTA Vice City. It’ll be always something for me in terms of what you can do in games, how it can look, and sounds.

Going back to the clubs, due time limit that you can play on rented PC, mostly saved files were in one place at the start of the game, which was this Ocean View hotel, so its appearance forever imprinted in my memory.

Eventually, I received an architectural education, learned that the style in which the hotel was built as a reference is called Art-Deco, and becoming a visualizer for some years decided that it’s a good occasion to remember old times, to distract from work projects and try to convey the atmosphere, and how it seemed this building in my imagination.

For a basis, I, as well as the developers at Rockstar took real hotel Clevelander, with a little of diversion. Since the real hotel got a modern extension wing, I decided that it would be logical to reflect this element in my version of Ocean View, so now instead of a blank wall of the side facade, there is another entrance and a console ledge with panoramic windows.