Blog Birthday #07 Image Submit Winners
Listen up! I’m happy to introduce you to the winners of the image submissions made during the Blog’s 7th Birthday. Congratulations to all winners and big thanks to my great sponsors for taking part in this. See you in #8!
Making of Japanese Rain Showers
Best of Week 33/2016 Image winner, Joel Langeveld, takes us through the process of making his remarkable “Japanese Rainshowers” visual which he did on his spare time from doing yet more great work at 3D Studio Prins, where he works as a 3d artist. Nothing fishy about this salmon!
AXYZ Anima 2 Tutorial #2 – A Quickstart Guide
AXYZ design has released a new tutorial aimed at getting users acquainted with ANIMA 2 in less time than it takes to drink a coffee. “Anima Quick Start” is the second in an ongoing series of short tutorials aimed at getting you (and your 3d people) running smooth with Anima.
Unbiased GPU Rendering – Getting started with Octane
Third part of the Unbiased GPU Rendering series by Johannes Lindqvist is here. This one is about getting started with Octane Render, and completes the mini-journey that started with Daniel Reuterswärd‘s counterpart article about the same thing with FStorm. There is a lot of insight to be found in the 4 articles published on this topic here. I’ve explored my GPU, and what it can offer me, a lot in the past 2-3 weeks. Hopefully, so can you. Read on and test it out!
Unbiased GPU Rendering – OctaneRender vs FStormRender
Render engines have tendencies to pair up and wage “war” through the users mostly. Each one has a favorite and defends it. Geography seems to play this game too. V-Ray and Corona seem to be such a pair. Maxwell Render and Fryrender were in the past. It’s silly really, as the only real reason to choose one over the other is how it fits with your style / pipeline / project / maybe a state of mind too (or age). No point fighting over it. Octane and FStorm are both aimed at GPU only rendering and pair up naturally. It seems that this combo has much more in common looking at things behind the scenes as Johannes kindly tells us in this 2nd article in his series as he puts both render engines face-to-face in terms of why you would want to pick one of them and the legal battle that seems to be going in between as well.
7 Years Blogging
Yesterday the blog passed the 7 years running milestone! I’m trying to observe and reflect on this from the sidelines, but it’s hard. At times, it was hard to see the forest for the trees. But with time comes clarity. The blog is very much part of my daily routine, part of me. I started with putting my name and face on it, knowing I’m aiming for the long run and 7 years after the blog is going strong and keeps on growing thanks to all of you… This journey, from reaching destination, far is!