Making of Landenberghaus by loomn

Loomn‘s moody scene of a Multi-Functional Building with Café and Theatre competition entry for Karamuk-Kuo Architects awarded them Best Visualization of the Week NO. 41 using mainly ArchiCAD, Cinema4D + V-Ray and Photoshop as the software combination for fast turnaround fitting the competition production time-frames. Check out loomn’s process as Jost Hauer describes it in great detail below. Enjoy!

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Making of BOKA Artist Residence by EDiT

EDiT‘s BOKA Artist Residence images were highlighted as part of weeks 43+44 on the forum finished work section. First, because of the architectural subject and the location. Second, because of the great look & feel these images had to them. I wanted to learn more about their process, which was obviously post-work centric, and Uros and Igor were very keen to share it with us. Follow them below as they describe the process step by step along with a video to recap the breakdown in the end. Enjoy!

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Making of Tribute to H&DEM

I’ve noticed more great visuals being done recently using the SketchUP + V-Ray combo. The latest v2.0 release surly contributed to this bump with many great feature additions making the SketchUP native plugin much more capable and not so far from its bigger brothers on 3dsmax & Maya. It is also important to note that most of these visuals are being made by architects that use SketchUP for their design process… they are not professional visualization artists first. François (Frankoi) RIBOULEAU is one of them and his tribute to H&DEM 56 Leonard Street project captured my attention. His process is simple and the result is great looking. Enjoy the read and tell us what you think in the comments section.

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Making of Mediterranean House by nookta

nookta‘s Mediterranean House was chosen by Chaos Group to accompany the launch of V-Ray for SketchUP v2.0 release and rightfully so. nookta managed to produce a highly emotive visual using a simple SketchUP model rendered with V-Ray directly from SketchUP. In this article, Bahadir Ozbek from nookta tells the story behind the image. Enjoy!

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Making of Matelasse Film by Mica Cruz

Mica Cruz‘s highly detailed scene and animation inspired by the Florense Furniture Company’s Charm Collection impressed me very much and I asked him to share with us all more information about the making of this film. In this article he describes the key stages of making the film using 3dsmax, V-Ray, Mudbox, SpeedTree, Marvelous Designer, Nuke and After Effects. There will also be a follow-up article going into more technical details about elements such as the bed, tree and animation setup, so do ask anything you like about it in the comment section below – Mica will address these questions. Enjoy!

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Making of Ouverture I-X

Michael Feuerroth‘s highly detailed scene “Ouverture I-X” awarded him Best Visualization of the Week NO. 34 using 3dsmax as his main platform for setting up his scene in general, as well as getting into the smallest details too. He also used Marvelous Designer extensively and rendered it all with V-Ray. Check out Michael’s process as he describes it in great detail below. Enjoy!

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