Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-20850775

At the first look into the project i liked the oval hole in the ground from which you can see the main building, so I placed the camera inside and got something like this.. We are allowed to post one image, so I am going with this one cause it creates the most drama effect that will go along good with my orange and teal night look..

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-20850775

Orange and teal grading technique/style is all about creating color contrast, and teal and orange have the highest contrast between their exposure values of any pair of complementary colors on the color wheel. With this techique we’re adding depth. And it is most appealing style to the human eye. Together with the architecture of the building I imagine night scene with this one…

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-14743743

worked on the main building cladding material,
I tried to simulate the real building texture to get a realistic feeling as much as possible.
the material Consists of main reddish rusty looking metal and another three different colors rust ( orange , Grayish , a kind of dark purple rust)

the I used the mask that I painted using Blender before.