Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-15411327

I started on Monday, and decided to see how far I could get in 16 hours. On Wednesday, I will be adding props and getting into the concept stage. Looking at a few of the entries today, I have seen a lot of really strong entries, I like the idea of playing around with the environment as an installation piece. Some thoughts I have; Weather, Solar/Eco, Art Installation, Futuristic Information Board.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-17469618

I’ve been working on this scene for couple of days and this is the result of work until now. I chose this camera angle to show the entry of the building and get close enough to the stairs. It was quite challenging because there were no references (at least not that I found) of this angle.
The idea was to set a winter evening mood with a quite blue sky and snow to counter the overall reds and oranges in the existing scene.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-12179172

First steps was study the model and find the best camera point of view. Some corrections on the artifact of geometry was necessary and create the facade panel. Making the rust facade was the main problem, i decided to make it in SP due the major control over the texture and the possibility of painting on the model. After i chose to make the brick wall (and the others) material in corona.
The study of lighting setting was the next step.