Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-13329550
you can imagine every single thing about being on an environment but sometimes feeling the exact place reach you to naturality
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Listen Now! Subscribe on iTunesOut with the old and in with the new! In Converted, I’m asking you to take an in-depth look at existing architecture near you or one you love worldwide and introduce something new.
See Entries & Join! About Convertedyou can imagine every single thing about being on an environment but sometimes feeling the exact place reach you to naturality
The shader I managed to do allows, once given a mapping of 100x100x100 cm to all the models on scene and associated the material to these, to have a pencil-like rendering that responds to the light and direction of the object.
three toon shader marks the outline of objects.
Here is my final submission. I enjoyed the competition, this was a great experience. The total time spent on the image is 3,5 days.
Good luck to everyone
It is all about a loneliness, that moment when you want to be allone , to clear your mind, even if you have outside a wheather like snow storm.
I am sure that the building also needs such a moment, to get rid of students and teachers and install own music.
First step, i have chosen the camera angle, i took the same camera as the reference photo, because i think this is the hardest angle to work on. i wanted the image to look exactly the same as the original photo.
Almost done with materials and detailing scene, last thing to be done is to complete composition by placing people to fill up enviorment with life.
In the begining forgot to say about this thing with fisheye stly camera, this was done to underline the roundness of the building, aditionaly i found great reference that helped with guidlines for the composition, i will post about it in the last entry. Still it hard to balance especialy left and right parts of the image.