Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-92270532

Following up on my previous progress, i took time to compare my work with the existing built project. The model provided is a good starting base that needs quite some work to get it right with the actual existing School.

So, i took to looking for various references online that’s the plans and photos to try and have a better guide to work with or from. The plans i came across were of quite low resolution and some details had to be eye-balled so as to come up with somewhat a convincing model.

When i was a little satisfied with the model, i got to rethinking the shot frame. I thought a more dynamic frame like the one of the reference photo showing the Entrance would be a good fit. So i modified the frame in order to have more dynamism.

I maintained the mood, however, i played around with the rotation of the light so that i could have the warm reddish dusk light wash one side of the facade and also have the light leading into the background of the image.

Then i got to tweaking the main material for the facade, that is the corten sheets. I have two layers of cladding both with corten sheets except for the outer most being perforated. So using unwarp in max, i created a base for the corten that i later on baked-in in photoshop. The material itself was created with Bitmap2material with samples that i gathered online.

Once i was satisfied with the material, i got to working on the artificial lights so as to archive a chromatic contrast with the natural blue/reddish light. this lighting also creates an interesting change in the corten between the parts of the corten that are lit and those in the dark.

Still working on a couple of details but this is as far as i’ve gone.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-25988898

Determining a mood and camera angle of future render is one of the most important things in a working process as it is actually effects the perception of the object, helps determine its meaning in the environment and the functions it performs.
Camera position. Since the main building does not include accents as such but it is a smooth metric structure I did not want to focus only on it, but rather interesting is the design decision on the placement of premises in the underground level where the staircase leads from the outside. I was convinced that I must include them in the overall composition, as they are quite intriguing element of the ensemble.
Mood and weather conditions. Were identified immediately and provoked by the weather outside the window. In addition, I have always been inspired by contrasts in photographs or renders. And what can contrast better than a cold twilight sky and a pleasant yellow light from the inside?
Materials. I have always admired the metal facades, which are later covered with rust as a way to visually connect a new structure with the existing environment, where the prevailing material is a brick. So now I have the opportunity to portray this rust in all its colors and gradients. Basically I’ll try to follow photos and add a minimum from myself.
Details. I sincerely believe that the details in the works help not only to achieve the realism of the picture but also make it more interesting. A boring wide wall or monotonous paving can always be diversified by a drain, especially if it really should be there. so I’m going to turn for help to Google Street View to see the building and find out which details I can add.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-67844391

At this `Work process` I`d like to explain how I created material of corten steel. At the very beginning I was thinking to create nice material with Substance Painter, but it wasn`t a really good decision because in that case I can create one-project-material and I want to make something more multipurpose, material which I can use in future projects.

I found nice corten texture and divide it on few smaller ones to get randomness on my corten panels. So my basic material it`s quite complicated blend material with few levels of dirt and BW masks to looks as realistic as possible, which later I copied few times with different numbers on AO.

I made separate materials for different levels of panels:
1. Wet panels under windows with a different intensity of AO and glossiness.
2. Dry panels from sunny side.
3. Top panels with dirt only on edges.
4. Lower panels with ground dirt.
5. Vertical panels.
6. Material for window frames.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-16602186

Hello friends!

I am very excited to be participating in this challenge. It is a fantastic opportunity for me and I appreciate it a lot.

I started with going through the provided model and noticed some misaligned placement of windows. I corrected this by following reference pictures and publicly available drawings. This helped me give a good understand of the shape of the building and how it fits to its cramped surrounding area.

I really like the design of the building, with its rusted steel metal plates as it fits in perfectly with the surrounding brick layered buildings.

I wanted to add more life and contrast to the facade by adding ivy along the wall. Ivy is also something that is coherent with the campus entrance. The colours I am going for are a contrast to the striking red facade with a clear and cold blue sky. A cold and calm Stockholm evening.

Early render of the new model and reference images are provided.

Happy New Year!

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-13956556

My idea is to show the main building as being discovered by someone walking through the city, in the middle of the old buildings so as to show urban context.
At first i tried to find the best composition by walking through the model but i wasn’t satisfied with the image I came up with. Therefore, i turned to drawn sketches to have a clearer idea of the layout and lighting I was looking for. I wanted to be as close to reality as possible and thankfully, there are a lot of good reference images out there, so i decided to replicate street signs, manholes, benches, garbage bins, street lights and use bikes as props in the final image. As for the lighting i’m going for an overcast day with very diffuse shadows, and a warm light coming from the main building, displaying an average day of classes at the school. The easy part is now over, which is modelling everything, and now I have to do all the texturing, something that I find a lot more challenging.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-11713619

First, I thought I schould think about the story of my picture. During my education in Academy of Arts the busiest time was when students have exams or must show their final projects. Thus I decided to show the contrast between intensive work of students inside the building and tranquility outside.
After setting up cameras and choosing appropriate HDRI map I tried to get the correct tonal value of the picture.