Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-15288312

This was modeling project of the beautiful 100 years old house for the client. After we finish the model, we decide that the best way is to put the house on some natural environment. Searching the internet we found the beautiful lake in Finland called Tallusjärvi and decide to put it near the water and wooden dock.

Crowded Challenge entry by Olga Alekseeva

When i recieved this project i felt in love with this relief and house location near lake.
I was recalling the time spent in the countryside in my childhood every summer. I still remember the smell of different grass and the color of sky there and i miss it.
I started showing various weather and mood. So i finished the project for myself with different camera angles and lighting schemes i also wanted to practise with.
I hope you will enjoy it.

Crowded Challenge entry by voodoochild

Here is my final image.
When I decided about my concept I knew it would turn into creating the street from scratch even though lots of things to be done but I couldn’t keep myself away from doing it 🙂
I tried to reflect my imagination as much as I can due having a tough schedule these days.
Anyhow it was really enjoying to work on it.
Good luck all!

Crowded Challenge entry by Camilo Claros

The initial idea of the project is to show two parallel worlds, which work in the same space-time but are independent.

These two universes have in common the architecture in its general shapes, but the great difference lies in the tones and colors that the people of each world used to build. On the one hand, we have materials in tones and textures conventional, something to which we are accustomed. In the other world, we can see that its inhabitants are much more of the color: Bricks are multi-tone, the street is a mixture of colorful elements and every material used is full of color. All this mixture makes this universe something completely different from what we have the concept of “conventional”. This is how this game of differences between the two universes is made. If for one its conventional material is a black brick for the alternate universe its conventional material will be bricks with all the colors that exist. This mixture makes the image seem uncomfortable in some cases, managing to catch the attention of the observer.

I wanted to draw attention to what we considered “normal” and “aesthetic” opening an endless possibility for expression, without defining parameters of good or bad.

In order to show the concept, the image is mirrored to represent the parallel universes as a kaleidoscope effect. At this point, I decided that people should wear different clothes to keep the game between the two worlds. Thanks to the software ANIMA LITE it was very simple to vary the textures of each of the characters, making each character in the two universes in the same space-time but in different combinations of colors.

Finally, when deciding the format of the image opts for a fairly wide relationship. Each universe has a 2:1 image ratio resulting in a large 4:1 image, presented as a history board, for the observer to play to find the differences between the two worlds.

It was a challenge to make this proposal, I hope you like it. Thank you!