Crowded Challenge entry by

I could finish my basc concept, what came from my daily routine. After finished the work at the office go to home. The city is full of people from work and so on. After a long hot day at the office, the rain refresh the early evening.
In the picture I made, I tried to catch the moment, when you get of the tram, and realize the surroundings,the rain starts, other people also get of and you can smell the freash air and the rain in the city.

Crowded Challenge entry by Adam Pietrzak

During the work process I’ve tried to explore Anima library looking for characters which could populate my scene. As there is plenty of ways people can spend their time in a city square I tried to pick models with some characteristic features – to simulate lively environement in a compeling way. The idea of work was to pick from crowd interesting model and portrait it, with all surrounding of a city. The important role plays also the light – sun that painting shadows on surfaces and models.

Crowded Challenge entry by Mustafa Husainy

Well, hasn’t this challenge been rollercoaster ride for me. I have jumped between 4 Concepts! And the final concept wasn’t decided until 3 days ago.
Literally have worked day and night for this project to come to life. Thing is, i had lost hope for this challenge when my initial concepts failed. But, i did not want to go out without a fight, in that attitude i got Inspirations for the BBQ nights courtesy of 9Gag. And here i am, rushing to the deadline with my image rendering and post production still left.
Faced many challenges on this one, just until yesterday, my Image was rendering fine With LC, i was happy, But the today morning Light cache was taking forever to build after a few additions of the futons and fire place, even after removing the, LC wouldn’t render, Naturally without and time and choice left i turned to Brute Force as my secondary GI. Needless to say, render times were over the roof With LC with tests of 1500 rendering at 4 hours, Brute force was kicker to that, 68 days estimated render times! with only one row of prepassing done is 4 hours. I cut back a little on quality, reduced the pixels, and removed displacement :(. But that’s lifefor you. I am now on the way to submissions in a few hours. Wish me Luck and all the best out there!

P.S The LC issue as that it wasn’t being friendly on my displacement and that was the reason for the disability to even build light cache in let alone prepassing.
Until next time.
Mustafa Husainy.
Take care and all the best!