Crowded Challenge entry by strale88

I got back from mini holiday last week, I was in Amsterdam for a week and the streets is what inspired me the most.
The architecture, the crowd,, the food, everything was eye candy. So I have decided to do street similar like those narrow crowded ones I’ve seen in Amsterdam.
Here is my first rough sketch/concept for this image.
Hopefully my plan will not change since I have a lot of buildings to model and not much free time.

Crowded Challenge entry by

Zagreb Central Station is a XIX. Century Railway Station situated on the lovely location in the center of the town. People on the station tell many different stories. Some of them wait for their loved ones, some of them say goodbye forever. Some of them go to work abroad, while some of them travel the same route every single day to work. This is a story about all of the people writing their own story.

Crowded Challenge entry by Camilo Claros

The main idea for this project was to show a really big crowd having a nice time, after a little of thinking I decided to go for a concert scene, something like the new years eve. I chose NY and times square because in this particular place there are a lot of iconic buildings. The scene was thinking in a night atmosphere, and with this the lights of all advertising, fireworks, and all items will sparkle in the final image.