Crowded Challenge entry by Ronen Bekerman

This is an Example Concept Milestone Entry. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularized in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-45761697

I wanted to go for an image thats more pased on how the image sits within the environment more than the building itself. I wanted it to sit without it seeming like a destruction to nature. my focus was nature and tried including various elements to help build the piece up. Since | was going for this route googled up swedens national animal as a beginning point not sure how accurate it was but it helped with me trying to create a story.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-20209924

Before me stood the task of perfecting your skills in the work, as I work mostly with interiors. Experience in creating exterior I have low. The compressed time frame allotted for the work was given a special rhythm and excitement to the whole process.The simulation environment and the textures were quite interesting and informative.Although trees and shrubs had to take the finished model due to lack of time, although the textures I created individually on their own. Modeling of stones and boulders and the preparation of compositions was quite exciting. Only regret that there was not enough time to make a more interesting composition and landscape design.The more I worked on the project the more ideas and the desire to work in the project came to me.The work was done in Cinema 4D using Corona renderer. I tried to make everything as 3D, Photoshop used only for color correction.
Before work I thoroughly studied all the drawings and the area where this building. Photos of Sweden that I watched always abounded in the dense forest and fog.
In my work I wanted to capture the moment cloudy weather and when the mist envelops all around, barely visible haze. In the darkness he slowly crawls on the building and the surrounding ground. Street lights painted in an unusual light tone contrasting with the environment.
In the process of working on the project I gained many new skills and certainly I will continue to work on the kinks on.
Thank you for your attention, hope to receive advice and comments to help me improve my skill level.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-17076233

I’m very happy to participate of Tomorrow 2017 Challenge, it’s great.
Whenever I start a new project, I look for all informations and
references about it, like the architecture, history and curiosities.
So, I chose to creat my environment, because I saw more potential.
The next stage, I made the concept and choice the Anglo, which for me
is fundamental that the function before can not waste time with the molding
that does not apper in the camera. After 3 or 4 adjustments in the initial camera
to the composition scene, the vegetation is finished with shader and mood of
the scene. My challenge and my mission was: To value an imposing
architecture; An inspiring place; A striking framework; A realistic climate.
My biggest challenge was the time, but I believe that I conquered a good result.
I hope you like it. Thank you!