Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-11033593

The big challenge was to value the building without taking the focus of it, so I tried to make a park with a path that comes only to the building, as if it were the backyard of the museum.
Inspired by images of squares and park I developed a sketch where large trees surround a path that lead the public to the museum.
For the ambiance I insert trees, benches and light poles around the way, I intend to show a dark climate, but with enough life along the way.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16555445

I had more time than usual this weekend, so I’ve decided to create more images for this project.
This is one of them, snow scene. Foreground and background is a mix of mate painting and 3d elements. The scene is pretty simple but I think it’s realistic and effective.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-89122375

Every project starts with search of references. You try to find images that can deliver your mood and vision of the future scene in a most expressive way. As the main character of our story is a museum of art and the weather outside dectates the mood, it was decided to create a peaceful, contemplative atmosphere.
Art is a mirror of life that contains the truth and helps you to find answers. I want to create a place for such searchers.

At first I was trying to understand the structurure of the building. What are the functions of all parts of the museum and which side atracts me most.