Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay, here is my first entry.

My first step is always gathering as much reference as I can. I was also interested in seeing some historial photos of the library, since this challenge’s protagonist is and architectural classic.

Once I’ve studied the building, I always make a mental map of the different pros and cons that I can find, and the strong points that I want to portray. This is my way to discard ideas and sumarize all that I’ve learned in the previous step.

After that comes the concepting, testing ideas. I find it useful to work in 2D to work with the color palette and composition, since once you start in the 3D software is just too easy to get caught up in little details which will not add in the end to the final image. You have to prioritize what matters and what doesn’t. Some of this ideas I’m showing are already discarded, but they are part of my process nonetheless.

Finally, setting on some perspectives and light moods, and start to build up the scene from there. I think I have already a clear understanding of where this is going, and I hope to explain more in future posts.

Provided that the final project will have three different images, I think it would be interesting that they shared a mood or story, so it’s something that I’m going to continue to work on. Nothing is set in stone at this stage, so it’s important to experiment before finally commiting to be completely sure! The main goal of this challenge for me is to learn as much as I can, and to have fun as well!

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