Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-14634815
My final entry. After the Snow. Rendered in 5k (Height)
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See Entries & Join! About ConvertedMy final entry. After the Snow. Rendered in 5k (Height)
After looking at photos of the project, I developed a vision and color pallet in my head. I wanted minimalist almost monochrome cold image with the corten facade being the warmest element. I decided to go with cloudy almost overcast mood.
After deciding on mood, I roughly gave materials to scene, because I believe it is difficult to judge light by clay model. I picked and HDRI map from Vizpark collection, with overcast skies and sun seeping through clouds.
I had extra challenge due to time limits. When I started, I had only 3 day to complete this image. So I couldn’t afford to detail very wide area. This pushed me to search for good composition with less visible area, but still being visually rich and compelling.
After setting light and angle, I detailed materials. The hero material, is for sure oxidized panels. I created procedural texture based only on two bitmaps. Stains of oxidation and burnt out areas are controlled by specially dedicated splines, i.e. they are parametric. I also paid attention two variations on the ground, filled in interior to give lively
In postproduction and color correction, I remained loyal to the main idea, realistic but minimalist colours with cool feeling.
Overall, although the process was really fast and intense, I liked working on this project. It forced me to find different ways of expession in an already well defined project with every possible photoshot available. So finding a different approach was a good challenge.
I hope you enjoy my image and good luck to all!
I find this a fun little challenge. Wish I could spend more time on it. Always great to work on non-commercial projects/personal projects. Greatest challenge has been to get the corten texture to look realistic. This is where the most time has been spend in my project. I guess the result is acceptable, but it could need more work. I unwrapped what was visible to the camera and painted the textures in PS.
As a Digital Designer and Photographer, my passion is merging these two fields using intuition to create a sensitive perspective of my work therefore exists a constant learning process which is complimented by my profound passion for my work!
This has been a great experience for me to take time to practice and to think about art, composition and architecture. Besides, It has been enriching because I have been able to work on developing and building ideas.
In the given model there were some details like the windows that had to be worked and added so that it could match the real nature of the building and in this way the image would be reflected as it is. I think that something that it was difficult for me was to manage the time to organize all of this and being able to work on all the details of the image. Another thing that took time was building the concept as a whole so that it could represent the greatness of the building and going beyond the composition. Something challenging for me was capturing the essence of the material of the building, the corten. I had to research about its components and how this reflects when exposed in different types of lighting. Besides, it was important for me to take into account the difference between the mood and the concept. Something that I would do different is that I would have used a substance painter so that the process of painting the pieces would have been faster. I’m very thankful for having an opportunity like this, thank you Tomorrow.