Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-11713619

First, I thought I schould think about the story of my picture. During my education in Academy of Arts the busiest time was when students have exams or must show their final projects. Thus I decided to show the contrast between intensive work of students inside the building and tranquility outside.
After setting up cameras and choosing appropriate HDRI map I tried to get the correct tonal value of the picture.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-99163046

I think half of the work is over: lighting, shaders and details satisfy me.

I do not give more importance to the pure 3D part or to the post production, both workflows are according to the final result: create an artistically effective image that satisfies the customer.

For the following project, taking into consideration the fact of presenting only one point of view, I chose to create a good base (nothing technically extreme) and then to rely on photoshop for the inclusion of an important factor of the initial concept: the univeritary students.

The inclusion of people into the images helps to contextualize the environment and give a more human and emotional factor to the final work.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-21188106

In this stage of my work I tried out to improve some materials, in particular the imperfections of the corten steel and the cobblestone floor.
I also put on some artificial light on scene and I imagined how to position some 3d models that I will put on stage in order to achieve naturalness and realism.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-36686818

Hi friends
First step I started my project with turning around model and try to find appropriate angel.
After finding the angel that I liked, I thinking to adventure that want to happen in my render.
I love the corten cladding of the university building, so I will not change it, but may I a little change the windows.
The second step is sensation that my render should transfer to viewer, after thinking I came to this conclusion, that portrait the last few days of the year and the joy of starting the new year and happy for the Christmas holidays could be a fascinating subject.
Then my render should be a combination of snow scene and internal heat and happy that exist between the characters of my story (a combination of cold and snow environment and warmth and internal happiness of characters).
students who leave university while they are happy and laughing.