Free Grass by Mischa Winkler

Mischa Winkler kindly shares his high quality grass models with Octane ready materials. You are free to use this for commercial projects too and files are available as .obj .fbx and .max with texture maps.


Visit Mischa Winkler’s Website to learn more about him and his work.


Material Setup

38 replies
  1. Sanel Muranovi?
    Sanel Muranovi? says:

    Hi. I have one question. How to convert in .max files? There are only .fbx and .obj? And also thanks to Mischa! 🙂

  2. jecete
    jecete says:

    I have the same downloading problem. The dropbox link returnsan “unabel to connect” message. Been having the same problem for a few days now with this link.

  3. AlexNesbitt
    AlexNesbitt says:

    Thanks for this… How do I setup the materials? A multi-object map? The blades of grass only have 3 material IDs and there are 5 maps and a bump map… I don’t understand :/

  4. Gary A C
    Gary A C says:

    Well appreciated.

    As a new user to 3ds max where Landscape Architecture is concern … would someone like to instruct me as to how to use a map/file such as this in a project 


  5. Camille Kleinman
    Camille Kleinman says:

    awesome looking grass! thank you! can i use it without knowing 3ds max? how do i use it?

  6. MrEz
    MrEz says:

    When I bring this into max, nothing renders. It appears that there are no materials added to the objects (they show as black objects). How do I apply the materials to this? I am a beginner and would really appreciate some help.

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