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Are you ready to be Challenged?

I started this blog with the aim of becoming a trusted source for sharing & learning about all aspects of architectural visualization, regardless of software or style.

That is why It was very clear to me that competitions… challenges as I name them, are going to be an integral part of it.

We all do personal projects. Some do it a lot as means for self-improvement, and for others, those are few and far between due to the daily client work that never ends. Both benefit greatly when channeling the effort into a structured and scheduled personal project in the form of a challenge.

All the big challenges being held on this blog are WIP style challenges… A Work In Progress, in which all updates are being shared among all challengers and visitors of the forums. This way one can truly benefit and become motivated by the feedback of his peers, as well as give feedback and motivate others.

It is remarkable and infinitely interesting to see this process during a challenge, sharing and learning as it evolves and reaches the finish line.

Personal work for me is pretty few and far between these days and competitions provide a forum to reconnect and strive for the best possible outcome and to get feedback by others is an invaluable resource, so thanks to those who follow and take part.

Competitions are so much more interesting when they offer an opportunity to learn new skills and tools. This challenge not only got me re-acquainted with Maxwell Render, it allowed me, indeed it forced me, to explore many aspects of it in a much deeper way than I had before!

Challenge VI / The Vineyard

The Museum / Lumion

The Museum / Maxwell Render

Challenge III / CityLIFE

Challenge II / Hover

Challenge I / The GH House