Condo | Common areas

Hi there! We glad to share our new project with ocean view🌊 We used a natural color palette🌿 and brass accents to add some sharm. This project consists of several spaces and we’ll show everything more detailed in the near future. We hope you will like it ❤️

Hoshang Pearl Karachi Visualized by PIXARCH

Hoshang Pearl is built in the heart of the city by the sea – Karachi. Pixarch creatively built the visual representation of a brilliant architecture as promised by this project. It was supremely depicted through 360 views, highly captivating 3D virtual walkthrough, realistic 2D & 3D floor plans, carefully designed booklets and gripping TVCs all-encompassing visualizations.

It was pure thrill to design the project’s minutest details with elegance & perfection. The sole purpose was to creatively charm the on-looker into reaching a decisive clarity.