n the space of the apartment, located in the historic center of Barcelona, an important architectural detail has been preserved – Catalan vaulted ceilings. Due to this, the roof becomes a single unifying element of the apartment, in which a minimum of partitions is assumed. Zoning with such a design is provided by vintage furniture from the 60s. The combination of architectural elements from different eras in an apartment creates an atmospheric space that makes it timeless.

Design and visualization – Denis Chigidin.
Location – Barcelona.

The Height

this CGI was created to show the beauty of modern minimalist luxury in interior design giving the viewer the sense of space and height and the relaxing experience a person would feel being there. I designed the space in a way that would reflect luxury in terms of structure, layout, high end B&B furniture and material finishes.

Tverrfjellhytta: Unreal Engine film

I wanted to post this project here because my whole interest of Unreal Engine started with Ronen’s Cabins challenge some time ago. For my next project with Unreal I wanted to push my environment creating skill further and also create something gray and moody. I don’t remember where I saw Snohetta’s pavilion for the first time but it definetely inspired me very much.

This is the first ever animation that I made. Unreal is a great tool for someone who wants to do such an animation by themself since it doesnt require tons of time to render a film. It speeds up the whole process a lot.