Carmel Valley Residence
Recreating the project in CGI for training purpose.
Reference photo by:Joe Fletcher
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See Entries & Join! About ConvertedRecreating the project in CGI for training purpose.
Reference photo by:Joe Fletcher
a personal project of mine that I have done with passion.
For this peice, I have used:
3dsMax, Corona v4, Photoshop, Substance Painter, RizomUV, RailClone
hope you like it.
Hi everyone
It’s my latest personal project, A small kitchen based on a reference image that i find on Pinterest website and i just want to make images in this mood.
I hope you like it.
Our job here was to make classical hotel design with some interesting landscape around it. The theme for the garden came from a story in Nat Geo, and it was about a Spanish ship full with gold cargo, that crushed along the California shore, and leaving the trail of gold in the bottom of the sea, over a mile long. So our garden is separated on two main spaces – Blue lagoon, treasure river and a Lost ship.
Typology: Apartments
Status: Realized
Location: Detroit, USA
Customer (Architecture): Zoyes Creative Studio
Visualization: Omega Render
Schedule of visualization: 1 week
Incredibly stylish and luxurious interior apartments in Detroit. Perfectly completed design in combination with realistic visualization give the result that you see in the pictures.
Special attention in this project is paid to the finishing materials. Marble, wood, metal, textiles – everything is made with precision and brought to the ideal. And of course the special atmosphere of the pictures gives great lighting.
Just some pictures of the crown hall that I like a lot.
3ds max / Vray / Photoshop
Hope you like.