Crystal Haven

The prime concept (Architecture) for this project is the Glass Conservatory House by Lorenzo Alvarez Arquitectos, designed as a combination of rural colors of Mexico bringing the best of contemporary and classic retreat ideas thus leaving an unforgettable imagery. The task helped me work with transparency and tranquillity of elements with a lush environment beneath the sky. Since this was a personal project, I had to spare my free time for it and wanted to introduce different moods and landscapes.
I set off modelling in 3ds max. Finding references was crucial and tough. In a while I was able to identify the mood-palette I wanted to work with and chose two views to establish the architectural interests and another two designated for the interiors. To break accustomed narration, I introduced contrasts though varied climatic conditions. Everything was rendered in Corona and finally polished in Photoshop.

Above Water

I Decided to go with Twinmotion for this project because of its practicality and how intuitive this software is. It was fun and challenging at the same time, loved the final result, hope you all enjoy it as well.


The facades of individuals portrayed through those of architecture.

Facades hide flaws, failings and – ultimately – reality. In the past decade, the structures surrounding us have been cosmetically overhauled; covering the deeper, economic faults.

Can parallels be found between these architectural fronts and the fronts put up by a community?

The visuals and its narration attempt to demonstrate that it doesn’t matter; aesthetics trumps all.

“What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty. “– Alain de Botton

By Ryan Wai Kin LAM
Music with Teresa CP TAN
Narration written and voiced by Hana SCHONEGGER
Typography and motion graphics by Manuel A FERNANDEZ

Song :

Making Of :