Spring TOD

The project is still relatively confidential, but I can provide more as permitted and if there is any interest. The project started in with some quick massing iterations in sketchup. Once the massing had been nailed down, the project was brought over into 3ds max for some geometry fine tuning, model details, and proxy scattering. Corona’ sun / sky was used to light the scene. Photoshop was utilized for a few value and color adjustments and entourage integration.

Moon Fireplace

Moon is defined by the ability to do more with less, establishing the balance between the economy of means and space, with the richness of its performance and materials. Its reduced size is matched in perfect harmony with its calorific power. Supplied by the bioethanol burner, while the simplicity of its spherical shape is enriched by the brilliance of its polished finish

Minimal Interior

A practice Interior job created in unreal engine based off an actual render and design i found on behance by KIRILL VILL, Hālō Studio and A.T.O studio.
I only replicated the design using UNREAL ENGINE 4.21.2 to learn how to create spaces with very distinctive vibrant colors and to try as much as possible to match the GI and REFLECTION quality of a ray trace rendering software (corona).

Check out more on my artstation account. https://www.artstation.com/apataharry
or contact me for collaboration. I am also open to teaching

Bar Lounge

We would like to share with you this set of images from a bar & lounge in the capital of Albania, Tirana.
We love the lighting in this industrial design.
We used 3ds Maax, Vray and Adobe Photoshop to make this digital art.
We hope you like it.