Remembering that summer in Madrid

Based on the memories and the feelings I had in my travel to Madrid, my soul was warmed by the sun and the air was full of the aroma of ripe fruit. Starting from the experience of the designer Jaime Hayon and deviated to a completely new concept. For this project, I’ve used 3ds max, Corona Renderer 3.0, Megascans, almost no Photoshop, trying to get the right contrast directly by the render engine.

Sincerely yours,

Mattia Samuele Colangelo.

rotterdam - Working Area

Making of Rotterdam Office

Dive into the process of visualizing an office space with Walk The Room, as they take us through their steps with the making Rotterdam Office.

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Galileo Reference Centre

Primarily housing office space and computer rooms, the center has been designed as a highly efficient and resilient building which can be adapted into the future. Architects convince that this building is 35% more energy efficient than required regulations. The life-cycle of the building was the main aim of the project. Galielo Reference Centre is constructed from wood and consists structures easily disassembled and reassembled. Facade is made out of one component in three different transparencies. From fully opaque to fully transparent. This provides necessary permeability and enclosure in required areas of the building.