Features: Residential 300 sqft, Micro Units. Bumblebee Spaces bed and storage units on the ceiling. Custom Designed Rolling Exterior Adjustable Accordion Wall. Adjustable Interior Layout. Balcony: Movable Plant/Vegetation Planters. Low Budget Compact Housing.

Siete Coigües House

This is my 3d rendition of a project designed by Emil Osorio Schmied and photographed by Fernando Ruz. I used 3dsmax and Corona with no hdr image. The scene is lit with simple sun and corona sky. All textures are handpainted. No photo textures were used. No post processing either as this is the raw render straight out of Corona The scene is full cgi.


Boundless night as far as the eye can see, a stillness of ice in the deafening silence.
The abyssal darkness as the canvas for the phenomenal Aurora Australis.
This is an architectural CGI of a creative concept by our visualization studio. The glowing spheres of Aurora, an international research station, are an extension of the raw wonder, not interfering with the natural order of things

3DS Max | Realflow | ZBrush | Vray | Nuke | Photoshop