Abandoned Room #1

This is my new project , at this project I tried to mix between modern and classic using an imaginary old abandoned interior space mixed with modern furniture ,
I also tried to get the photography feeling of interior Catalogues for both lighting and composition .
I intend to make other interior spaces with the same style in the near future .

please check high resolution work on Behance :

Lake House

Typology: House
Status: Realized
Customer (Architecture): RoRockett Design
Visualization: Omega Render
Schedule of visualization: 1,5 weeks

An unusual house is located among the forest on the shores of a magnificent lake. In this house modern style is combined with the style of a hut in the forest. The finish of the aged wood very well fits this house into the environment. And of course on the visualization, we showed a stunning view of the lake.



Fresh from our archives we bring you this view of a tall, dark and handsome space which could have become the next selfie material somewhere in Vanak, Tehran.
We believe it is essential that the strongest attribute of each design becomes the spine of the visual story we eventually decide to tell.
For this piece we thought of the void of the vertical atrium as the generator of a mysterious pulling force around which all temptations would unfold. The void becomes a physical body and the main actor in this scene.
The image was created for our friends at Hadi Teherani Architects

Let us know what you think!

Made with a mix of max, vray and ps

Visit our revamped website at www.thepanoptikon.com