Beautiful Computer Generated Images is a collection of Seven projects, collection of seven Manifests, where every piece is an intersection of Technology and Art. It depicts imaginary places, imaginary objects where every element is arranged to create beautiful Composition and where photorealistic simulations are enriched and elevated by Custom color mapping to craft a piece formed by true Art.
Manifests show what I consider truly beautiful, what I am passionate about and what I love. Passion in Computer Generated Image, passion in Composition, beauty in Simplicity, Light, custom Colors, passion in bending image within a Purpose, in adjusting piece with an Abstract elements, all elevated by Custom Color Mapping to form something Unseen, something New and very Artistic.
Manifests have been developed for 1 year, working solely on the manifests, between 2016 and 2017 and are periodically released every three weeks. After all seven have been released, there is going to be a book stitching all the pieces together.
Everything is custom made – from scratch – models, materials.
I welcome to watch the seventh one.
Computer Generated Art is set of two traditional Still Life Paintings created by new Technological Approaches. It depicts passion and beauty in Art and Painting. Love in Novel Technology Computer Algorithms, Research and Development enhancing possibilities of Digital Art.
Project has been done in Stylit accompanied by Corona renderer. Stylit is developed by Czech researchers – Stylit is able to repaint painted material sphere onto any geometry by repeating its look and mostly stylization. I collaborated directly with the researchers to make this project happen. The project was finished on 19.7.2017 – the date of the video – and was put on hold because of license. Now can be published as I am licensed to use the Stylit technogloy being patent-pending by Adobe.
Fruit still life was done by sampling and creating huge number of material spheres from real high resolution still life paintings and then projected onto geometry by Stylit. Shadows were added by Corona pass.
Flower still life was done by sampling more stylized still life paintings and then projected onto geometry.
This process is something similar to creating material sphere in Corona but such material sphere is defined only by its overall appearance.
Corona was used to create guide passes – the Stylit´s input is not geomtery itself but rather passes – beauty, normal, refelction and so on.
Inspiration credits: Severin Roesen, Damien Venditti.
Every image below is as whole crafted by means of Computer art. It is Imaginery, not Real. Computer Generated Images.