haven house

a recent 3D project that we did for John Pardey Architects. A beautiful architectural project on a beautiful place… result Haven House

3d rendering for the house

This 3d rendering I did for a project for my house. The goal of it was to check out how the exterior will look according to a project my friend architect did. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, this house wasn’t built. Software used: 3ds Max, V-Ray, Eyen Fusion

Cottage near Lviv, UA

Our practice was responsible for the renovation of an old cottage on the periphery of Lviv city. Throughout the design process we constantly felt it’s inspiration is largely driven from both the interior of a traditional English cottage and from the Italian exterior and landscape treatment. This is what we ended up with finaly. Hope you’ll like it.

Winter Cabin

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for reading books, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire, it is the time for a Cabin”