” I raise my child through my earning. I manage both my work and my family. I do not want to give my child same life as I lead hence I want to work and earn well. I try to balance my work with him and his smile motivates me to do that. I find life in my work and work in my life. Yes I am Prostitute.”

Table For Two

Studio personal project, we present Table For Two.

Valentines day dinner at home for a couple deeply in love, exploring the meaning of their closeness through food, wine & shared intimate dinner with some lovely classical music.

Autumnal Illinois

Autumnal Illinois

Typology: Suburban House
Location: Chicago, USA
Visualization: Descover Studio

We would like you to chill a little while viewing our new render. Keep calm and feel this cooling atmosphere!

At Descover Studio we are trying to convey the spirit through our renders.

Yallingup residence

Say “Hello” to the Yallingup residence from DGK architects.
This secluded house is situated in the bushland of Western Australia and represents a dialogue between man-made construction and the environment. On the one hand, the architectural project corresponds mainly to the features of the environment: sun, mist, rain, wind, etc. On the other hand, the laconic interior is an essential frame for the landscape.

In terms of visualization, this case is quite peculiar, because here we depict the object in unconventional weather conditions. Undoubtedly, we managed to unlock the potential of architecture and interior design with minimal interference of the summer sun and bright blue sky. After all, the beauty of nature lies not only in golden sandy beaches but also in foggy and hilly landscapes.

Charcoal Slatwall Monochrome Living Room

Here’s a monochrome living room that we have created for a client that manufactures timber wall panels. They wanted to display their new charcoal black timber slats in a modern living room with plenty of organic textures.

This one gave our artists a chance to sit down and create a new hair and fur rug with a courageous shaggy pile length, using 3DSMax and Corona Renderer. Additional props and soft furnishings have been sculpted in Zbrush with a few finishing touches in Photoshop and Fusion.

More of our NatureWall CGI >

Our hair and fur rug tutorial >

The Mother of the Sea

Charms of Brazil
Charms of Brazil is a personal project that aims to portray, with images produced with CG, clippings of the many “Brazils” that co-exist in this country.
The images aim to unite local cultures, nature, art and photography to honor and portray the relationship of the traditional people with the land they inhabit. We find respect, diversity and mystery.
The charms of those people and places, that somehow manage to resist globalization, get my attention. Surrendered to the beauty and strength of these encounters and relationships, I found in this artistic project a way to honor and also bring visibility to these fascinating cultures.
As a 3d artist it was a pleasant challenge to study and use my technical skills to compose the scenarios, angles and details of these images.
Inspired by the nature of the northeastern coast of Brazil, The Mother of the Sea is the first sequence of images from this project.
Its theme is Yemanjá, an “Iabá”, a female Orisha (Orixá, in the original language), originated from the African culture that manifests herself in nature as the force of the sea. The “mother whose children are fish” especially protects the fishermen.
As her sons use to greet her – Odoyá!