FREYR is a battery recycling factory located in Helgeland, Norway. The main concept of the project is to preserve as much as possible the natural landscape and forest around the building. 

The facade of the factory has a special construction that allows plants to climb up.
To reduce the height effect of the project, the facade is divided horizontally. 
The wooden cladding on the base of the building blends well with the landscape and emphasizes the idea of the project.


Modern Mediterranean Kitchen Interior

With homeowners becoming more adventurous with their colour choices, our client commissioned this CG imagery to show off their new red cabinetry. The bold colour palette really draws the eye, emphasizing the creative feature island which incorporates dining seating and a wine rack. Our interiors team elevated the clients design and applying a modern mediterranean style, which particularly works well with the excellent woodgrain textures and encaustic tiles.

3DSMax here with Corona renderer, additional colour fixes and retouches in Photoshop and Fusion Studio 16.

More kitchens in this range >

Red VW Van visualization

3D product rendering created by Lunas’ artists as a personal project inspired by long exciting travels that have been long forgotten in 2020 with a hope in their hearts that one day we will all be able to throw the essentials into the backpack and set off on an exciting journey to a music festival or just across the country.