Aesthetica Studio: Stadium

Aesthetica Studio: Stadium

Artist: Sabrina Ricco

Great design for this new stadium somewhere around Europe. The peculiar shape creates a unique design. Though we’re not able to give you more info on the project and on the architect, we think this view deserves to be shared!



House on Pipes CGI

House on Pipes CGI
Introduce everyone to the House on Pipes project rendered by our team in 3dsmax.
Project: House on Pipes
Architects: Parallax
Render: Dezoor Visualization
Softwave: Corona render, 3dsmax, Quixel Mixer, Itoo Forest,…

Fluidity 2.0

A catalyst for reinvention, a fluid but coherent field of buildings, each separate but all logically connected in a continually changing ensemble the volumes encompassing the new retail centre in the seaside town of Jesolo open up around a central space like the petals of a flower.

The Design of the organic buildings are inspired by the nature and natural forms. The fluidity series showcase the meeting of the conceptual design and nature.
The original design is from Zaha Hadid Architects, my goal was to remodel this building as a practice to explore the free form surfaces and 3d modeling methods. I chose this building because of its complex design and futuristic, curvy shape which reminds me to motion and water fluidity.


Every now and then, I take to the road looking for adventure.My Blue bird, the Mountains,the Cool Breeze the sunset hues.
Software: 3dsmax,Corona-renderer,itoo forest pack,photoshop
My Free Time work,i Hope you all Like it