Here’s a small Living Room by Region Render Studio.

This room is a mixture of two styles: modern and loft.
Traditional dark wood floor and grey walls alongside the carmine sofa give the room warmth and elegance at the same time.

Cold Marble

Black has been noticed in the design world for some time now, bringing the aesthetical elegance into everyday living.
Black is the colour of night, it is the atmosphere surrounding those who prefer a little mystery even in the everyday details.
Starting from the sink a black bathroom speaks of the man who takes his individual rituals seriously.

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Noir Interior Animation

I’ve been creating more animations lately & really wanted to try something more cinematic. Inspired by various interior photography focusing on dark interiors, using assets from Poliigon, Deisgn Connected, BBB3Viz & lit using PG Skies these are sample stills taken from the final animation.

ID 1.2

Hello everyone, i’m sharing with you my latest interior design project. In this project main purpose was keep space fresh and get more natural light. The customer’s request was keep open space and make zone for each areas. For the color and finishing client gave freedom to designer and overall client was satisfied about that. For the hard surface’s before the designing we discussed about finishing on mood board according the design. Now project execution process. I hope you will enjoy design and rendering.