Swati Crimson 4 BHK Apartment developed under Swati is Planned and designd through the eyes of its Patron. Designed for it’s Future Residence From the basics to the modern amenities, every Project is completed it its own rights. But every completed project acts as a motivator to us as it lays the foundation for our next project. With a belief of changing the good to better and the better to best, we continuously strive to evolve, improve and change.

Russian Residential Competition

UP Architects developed a concept from the detailed competition brief for an organisational system for the residential units that worked well within the brief constraints. Hessian Design joined the team to provide a material and facade expression for this system. The idea is that within the organisation structure there are many different possibilities for facade expression using a pop-out module or set back balcony as the pieces to compose an elevation. Three different building typologies were identified in the brief and the images represent 2 of them with different material and organisational expressions.


Here is an image I did a couple of days ago. Inspiration came mainly from the Netflix Dark series as well as some Crewdson photographs I’m interested in.

Fog was done in postproduction and the image was actually mostly about playing around with multiple z-depth pass to achieve a convincing effect.
Playing with the density also enabled me to do different color toning tests (from warm orange to cold blue/green tones basically) and end up with interesting moods I’ll certainly reuse in my next projects.

Cerrad HQ

An archviz project we did for our long time client – HRA one of the top Polish architecture studios.

This is by the way the first project done in 3ds max 2018 and on a brand new workstation.

Switching to a new PC few days before the architectural competition due date is probably not the smartest idea, hovewer I somehow managed to pull it off. 🙂

4th & Montgomery

A series of ground-level and aerial photo-montage renderings of a proposed new building in Portland Oregon. Client supplied a fairly detailed Revit model and I developed the site and surrounding context in 3D and also background 2D plates.
Used Max / V-Ray with a little Forest Pack for some of the planters, and quite a bit of Photoshop for entourage and building up the nighttime effects in certain images.