Still Life

This is actually my first attept to create still life image, totally inspired by works of Bertrand Benoit.
It took pretty long time in the making, composition is still messy here and there and also I regret that FStorm does not support PhoenixFD, so I had to do tea steam and candle lights with a planes, but I hope it looks more or less decent. 🙂

Mid Century Living Room

My website needed a new homepage image that truly shows my style of choice, which is mid century modern–especially Danish mid century. I often consider myself an interior stylist just as much as I consider myself a visualization artist. The goal was to create a beautiful, clean, white interior with Walnut/Teak furnishings that really pop.

I used Fstorm’s Sun & Sky for the lighting, along with portals in the windows. Tonemapping was all done within Fstorm, including a custom LUT I have made for myself.

If you would like to see more of my work, you can find me in these places below:

Scandinavian Escape

Scandinavian Escape was created as a piece of a portfolio in 2 days. Our main objective was to test the Fstorm Renderer in the Production workflow.
Result were magnificent. Fstorm is now our ‘s primary render engine. The realism and the GI that provides this render engine is unbelievable.
I use 2x 1080 Ti’s which render one frame with the width of 3600 pixels in 5 minutes.
Most of the materials in the scene are blend materials with composite layers.

We Strongly recommend arch viz studios try the Fstorm.