Semi detached homes

I was inspired to create this rendering from my recent project that I did for a client from PA, USA. However I changed design of house completely, but kept concept same with minor changes in textures. I liked white brick, dark brown wood and dark grey color combination. I added perforated metal sheet for railings later on and it looked better than glass (initially I applied glass material).
The major part of this scene was lighting. I wanted to made evening time rendering, but I wanted same play of lights on walls of houses. So I decided to kept time just before sunset and got some sun shadows and eventually overall contrast in the image. Then I lighten up some window and put some furniture. Random combination of lit up windows and windows with the reflection of sky brought realism to the image.
I am happy with the end result.


I used this project to play with som pictorial ideas of colour and composition. It is from Sketchup Warehouse and is based on the Palace of Justice in Antwerp.
Tutorial can be seen here on the making of –
Hope you like it 🙂

Paris Apartment. Bedroom.

Hi everyone!
This is the latest personal project of mine.The image was created in 3dsmax and rendered with Vray. Final color play was done in Photoshop.

More Pictures in original size –

Thanks for watching and I hope you like it )