This 3D animated short film called “Highrise” was made as an in-house project. It’s our first animated short film. It’s the story of a hot air balloon on its journey to find his way home.

Direction: Nisba Visual Label
Modeling: Nisba Visual Label
Texturing: Nisba Visual Label
Lighting: Nisba Visual Label
Rendering: Nisba Visual Label and 8088.net
Compositing: Nisba Visual Label
Music: David Ospina Music
Sound Design: Audiobit Studios
Produced by: Nisba Visual Label and 8088.net


DVSFurniture studio present new 3d kitchen visualization. By combining our high quality model simulation with excellent minimal design, we interpreted this kitchen set in a vivid and living space, for the needs of our clients.

The Rainy Day

The Rainy Day

“My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the moldering past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life, some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.”

Hi Guys, Introducing my new work. A new concept of a rainy day that was created using 3DS Max, V-Ray and Photoshop.Hope you enjoyed this…

Hope you enjoyed this.

Black & White Apartment

Since I saw this interior on Archdaily I decided to create an interior space like it in 3D max, It was very simple and 64.0 sqm.

Two bedroom apartment located in a building constructed in 1900, near the center of Moscow.


Software used :

Modeling : 3Ds max – Zbrush – Marvelous Designer
Texture : Photoshop – Substance Painter
Rendering : V-Ray
Post-Production : Nuke – Photoshop – Resolve Davinci”Grading”

Nordic Noir

This is one of the more luxurious prefab houses. It was done to display a new type of house to the client’s catalog of existing housing types.

Facade wood cladding was done with floor generator and all vegetation with iToo Software’s Forest Pack.

Mansard Room’s Desk

I spend most of my time at my desk with modeling other’s places or gardens so once when I couldn’t sleep at night I decided to think about my own living place. Besides I thought that I can check the sunlight and the artificial light effects easily during this project because they are in front of me.

In the real life my desk does not and won’t look like the same (unfortunately) but I can say that when I imagine my dream desk this would be that.
I made some more space for plants beneath the window and I created more shelves for decoration and artificial lights.