Lake House

Almost everything in this building was done is Railclone. I just bought it so I wanted to play with the new toy.

All the pillars, bolts, siding and the fence are RC.

I did the red bark trees which are typically from here but I still have a lot to learn on GrowFX.

The scene illumination is just a V-Ray Sun and Sky.

B D H Hotel & Resort

Hello Everyone,

We have designed this Project for Pokar Architect @ Gandidham, Gujarat-India. This was our first attempt at Corona Renderer in our Production Workflow. The client had Specific Requirement for each and every element of this project we had to model and modify each and every element to suit their requirements.

We had taken huge risk to adopt Corona Renderer straight on live project. We have used Corona 1.3 to render this project and we were facing many challenges during this project specially Limit of Maximum 256 number of Light but Corona’s developer team has guided us really well how to bypass this type of critical problems. Now we have fully integrated Corona renderer in our production workflow.

Thanks to the Render Legion support team.


Växjö Competition

White Architects won the design competition with the proposal “Under one roof”.

The building creates a new silhouette in the city and a new venue that connects the different parts and qualities. A house with room for everyone: teenage girls and senior citizens, municipal employees and visitors.

Fasano Shore Club

I was honored to collaborate again with this beautiful company Watson&Company. It was a great pleasure working for such a great people. Renderings are inspired by crops from a great photographer Sebastian Weiss.

Leading rendering was rendered in 27K resolution and is presented on a huge board in Miami.

Full campaign by Watson&Company is here.

I used my signature, my custom post color mapping to drive colors.
Rendered with beautiful Corona Renderer engine.

Photos of the book and some campaign photos are enclosed. I am Super proud to see my renderings in such a beautiful piece of art by W&Co.

All credits to W&Co for the campaign, thank you.