Tree Hotel
Main goal was creating images with calm atmosphere
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Making Of's Case Studies WorkflowsShare your work and get immediate appreciation through discussion, feedback, and a possible nomination for the…
A weekly experiment, exploring the creative minds in Architectural Visualization and more. Find out what makes us all tick and push the limits.
Listen Now! Subscribe on iTunesOut with the old and in with the new! In Converted, I’m asking you to take an in-depth look at existing architecture near you or one you love worldwide and introduce something new.
See Entries & Join! About ConvertedMain goal was creating images with calm atmosphere
Orangery extension design and visualization project in Southampton. The challenge was to merge the extension within the neighborhood context in such a way that it could ignore the worn out structure and embrace the landscape.
Our CGI is a true realization of the concept. However we faced several challenges to compose the structure along with the existing landscape. Thankfully Itoo forest pack helped scattering the geometry in a magical way.
This is a personal project done in Rhino3D and rendered with Vray. Rhino3D was the natural transfer for me after SketchUp not only because Vray is identical between the two but also because of its strong presence in my current studio’s workflow. This was a study done based on the photo reference of Credit to Joe Fletcher for the warm and comfy photography.
Visualization of an apartment building in Beirut by HM Architects.
It was for a competition in Germany. The task was to reorganize a Baroque building to an archive. All things in the scene was renderd also the people.Finally the colorcorrection was in Photoshop.
The Beach House – personal project created for experimentation purposes