Firefly by iddqd studio

We were extremely glad to visualize We are happy to share our recent work Firefly. A visualization of the conceptual radio beacon. As a successor to a classic lighthouse, it’s still able to guide ships but mainly performs as a unique viewpoint over never-ending ocean. Opposes its refinement to brutal breakwaters and brings in stillness to the shoreline of Eynort.

Prosphorion by Thibault Monfort-Ginet

Baptised after one of the bynames of the godess Hecate, meaning “Light-Bringer”, this place is designed to be the first step of a larger scale colonization of our natural satellite. Built by drones and pioneers to supervise, with the local materials (aluminium, water from poles ice to get oxygen, hydrogen and later methane), it is conceived to shelter 50 people and provide food, air, water, as well as social and creative activities, scientific studies and mere contemplation of the mysterious and immuable barren environment of Selene.

The render quality depended of the limited resources -and knowledge- I had at the time 🙂