Christmas CG Kitchens 2017 by

Last years Christmas CG images went down so well that we created 2 sets this year. Both designed by our Senior Designer Tan, fully CG, no with no photography at all. We used photogrammetry techniques to create some really nice food models. Read more here Superb job on this project from Darren, Jordan, Rich Ip, Ben and Jon.

LISSO by Mario Males

Few monthts ago, I started a new hobby. Since I always liked product design, I decided to try myself in that area. Dont ask me how I chose lamps as point of interest. Since I like Archviz too, I decided to create a simple scene for each of the lamp designs. Nothing too complex, just to show how it will look in real space.
This time I decided to properly try Corona renderer engine for the first time, and I love the results. For the first time in many many years I decided not to use photoshop for post-processing, but rather to save renders as cxr files, and use corona image editor. To say that I like how corona image editor works would be an understatement. It’s simple and awesome, but someone who uses corona already knows that right :).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I hope you like it.
If you wish to see closeups from keyshot, and other projects I did, feel free to visit my behance profile :