Tiller High School by Aart Architects

In the era of (sometimes) unnecessary formal complexity we love when we can put our hands in something really essential but that at the same time has the ability of driving emotionally the image.
Something simple, quiet, but still powerful elegant and iconic.
Have a nice week.

Modern Bedroom Designe by Jayesh Sawant

This project is my personal project. i have got modern bedroom designe referance from google. complete model in max then objects in use from evermotion & 3dsky.org site. render in Vray, using 5SRW steps in this project. & post production in photoshop cs, i want to learn more realstic views. how can i do that?

Overcoming by Mendez da Rocha

Hi there! I would like to share with you my latest personal work: ¨overcoming¨. Hopefully, this will be the first one on a series of visualizations of this building, from architect Paulo Mendez Da Rocha, called ¨Gimnasio Paulistano¨ (I did some modifications to it, including scaling it up 3 times). Hope you like it. (3dmax, corona and PS).