State of Art Academy / Master Class #14

State of Art Academy MasterClass #14 just finished and here I feature the great work of the students. This time the main theme was a very interesting and complex architecture drawn by the Studio MAPA + Studio Paralelo and called CASA EM XANGRILÁ. It’s great seeing 12 versions of the same house, as each student had the freedom to explore how and where to visualize it.

State of Art Academy / Master Class #14

MasterClass #14 hosted 12 artists from Italy, working on the XAN | Casa Em Xangrila by MAPA – MAAM +  STUDIOPARALELO as their main theme.




We have reached the end of the first Masterclass in 2015 at SOA Academy.

Our guys have proficiently tested themselves with the rendering of a very interesting and complex architecture drawn by the Studio MAPA + Studio Paralelo and called CASA EM XANGRILÁ.
As always, we let them free to imagine and put the project in wonderful places with fascinating landscapes.

After much struggle but with steadfast commitment and a lot of patience, our guys created high level artworks.

In the month spent here at Academy, we have seen growing a great group. The guys didn’t know each other before, but after the first day, they looked like they have always been old friends. This helped them to overcome all difficulties and get the results that we are now proud to show you.

With the Masterclass#14 we’ve shared funny times. It’s always a great pleasure to spend time with our guys, all together, out of the Academy as well.
I like getting to know their personal lives, where they come from and, above all, where they are heading to. In their eyes I saw enthusiasm, a wish to achieve their goals and to turn their passion for architectural visualization into their job.

I’m a staunch supporter of the saying “where there’s a will, there’s a way” Well, if your will to achieve and your determination don’t fall at the first hurdle in your way, I’m sure you will go far. I’m also sure that, as many of our guys, in the future we will see you in some important Studio and proud of your works, you will send your pictures around the world. People say that the future belongs to those who follow it, but you are already a step forward it.

I wish you all the best and remember that the SOA Academy will always be your home.

See you soon.


The Students Work

See what the students learn during the 4 weeks of the Architectural Visualization Master Class…

What is even better, is the things you do when you are not learning… San Dona, Venice, Italy!

All the visuals were made using 3dsmax, V-Ray, Forest Pack Pro, RailClone and Photoshop.

  1. rombout
    rombout says:

    Really love them! The main image is perhaps one of the best, but its really hard. They all look epic 🙂