Tag Archive for: 3D Models

Why do people make life so complicated?

Because! That’s why! The topic of people in visualization is always coming up and doing it 2d in post vs. 3d just the same. Each method has its pros and cons, and today I’m sharing a new and somewhat unusual tutorial by my good friends at AXYZ design. This might look like total newbie grade for most of you, but it is a first in a series and a great starting point for those not familiar with the use of scanned 3d people models. In this case, from their Metropoly collection. There are 8 chapters to be expected, that will go from basic tips about angles and reflections, to advanced and detailed analysis of the entire workflow, focusing on the principles of using such assets, regardless of the modeling or render engine that you use. You are welcome to comment on this topic below.

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3D Modeling How to / The JSN Tiles Chair

I’m very pleased to share today this great looking JSN Tiles Chair modeled by Luca Catino. I got to know Luca and what a great and talented dude he is during SOA’s Academy Days in Venice and I been asking him to share something of his during the last Academy Day. He kindly offered to showcase the modeling of the unique looking Tiles chair by JSNdesign as well as offer the model too for you to download. Enjoy!

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